SOLSC Day 7: Final Day With the Author

20140306-204021.jpgEvery day for thirty one days I ‘ll share a slice and read others at Two Writing Teachers.

Susan Blackaby has been at our school for three days. Today was the final time with her. We celebrated with creating a list of rain words and students sharing their work.
Susan was terrific in talking with the students about what was working for their poems. So special.



Many of the poems that the students shared with be on the poetry postcards delivered in April as well as being published at my other blog: Check It Out. Please visit HERE to provide me with your snail mail details.

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2 Responses to SOLSC Day 7: Final Day With the Author

  1. Tara Smith says:

    What a wonderful experience for your students!

  2. blkdrama says:

    Your school community will not forget this experience 🙂

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