Meet Christine Fletcher

Christineis a YA author living in Portland, OR who attended the blogging conference last fall.   Her books, Ten Cents a Dance and Tahlullah Falls will be an auction item at the Lucky Lab tomorrow.

 Wow!  The Portland Kidlit Drink Night is tomorrow. Unbelievable!

Christine also convinced her friend and co-worker to donate two gift certificates for canine massage.

I caught up with Christine recently and discovered this about her:

What have you recently published and what are you currently working on?

My most recent novel, Ten Cents a Dance, is a historical YA that came out in 2008. My next book, which is also a young adult historical, follows an ex-child star and a Broadway wannabe who go overseas during WWII to perform for the troops…and find far, far more than they bargained for.

 What books are on your nightstand?

Moloka’i by Alan Brennert, Coralineby Neil Gaiman, Possessionby A.S. Byatt, and a biography of John Adams which I swear I’ll finish eventually—it’s currently doing a superb job holding down the doily.

Where do you find inspiration?

I love the forgotten bits of history, the stuff that doesn’t make it into the textbooks. I find out about extraordinary things that ordinary people did back in the day, and I start asking, “What if?” And sometimes that turns into a novel.

 What advice do you have for would-be writers?

Hone your craft. Always strive to get better, always keep learning. Make time to learn the business. Read tons in the genre you’re writing so that you’re familiar with what’s out there. But most of all, keep writing.

 What was your favorite book as a child? As a teen? As an adult? Any particular genre stand out?

As a kid: Just So Stories, The Jungle Books by Kipling. As a teen: The Once and Future King by T.H. White. I was drawn to both writers for the same reasons: their inventive use of language and their amazing storytelling. As an adult, my all-time favorite is Middlemarch, by George Eliot.

 Writing the first draft or revising? Which is your favorite?

Writing the first draft is the fifth circle of hell. My friends can tell you the amount of moaning and complaining I do is monumental. Really, really pathetic. The two things that pull me through are 1) I have to find out what happens, which means I have to write the damn thing; and 2) I know that once I put words on the page, then I can start revising. I looooove revising. Can do it all day and half the night. Often have.

 Favorite time of the day to work?


Chocolate: white, dark, or milk?

White. People never fail to point out that white chocolate isn’t really chocolate. To which I reply: Exactly.

 Coffee or tea or…?

This absolutely decadent hot Ghiradelli white chocolate drink you make with milk. It helps with the fifth circle of hell.

Dance: Funky chicken or the tango?

I would love to be able to dance the tango. Given my physical talents, I’ll probably never rise above the funky chicken. I have come to accept this about myself.

Thanks, Chris.  I have heard that Moloka’i is an excellent read. will have to check it out.  BTW, when Chris appears to promote her books you can often find her in historical garb that matches the time period of her book.

You can bid on her books or the canine massages, tomorrow at the Lucky Lab, 915 SE Hawthorne, 6:30-9:00 PM.

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