One Single Impression: Colors

Solitary Panda provides the prompt, “colors”  at One Single Impression today.  It has been a while since a prompt was presented and there was the poem.  Perhaps all the smells and senses of yesterday’s canning adventure left its mark.


grandma’s recipe
green tomatoes firm, onions sliced
mingle in the pot

vinegar’s  amber tang
 earth spices: mustard, allspice
cinnamon, ginger, clove

revived traditions
zesty fragrance permeates
jars respond, “plink, plink”

Labor intensive but oh, so worth it.  A great marinade.  For more ways to see color visit here.

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11 Responses to One Single Impression: Colors

  1. This made my mouth water Jone!


  2. Tammie says:

    ummm yum, wonderful piece on color.

  3. Sandy says:

    A mouth watering poem! Very descriptive.

  4. Marcelle says:

    Ooh, I love family recipes. I have never tried Pickled Green Tomato but it sounds good! You’ll have to share! 🙂

  5. Leo says:

    very lovely! 🙂 good colors!

  6. Amias says:

    Oh I love green pickled tomatoes .. as well as .. fried green tomatoes. Wonderful colors, you made me hungry.

  7. Mmmmmm…. wish I had been in your kitchen whilst you were canning 🙂


  8. SandyCarlson says:

    All the color and life in our food. How we sustain ourselves!

  9. floreta says:

    this is fun. i bet these colors also taste good 🙂

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