Tidbit Tuesday: Get Out the Vote

“Freedom can exist only in the society of knowledge.
Without learning, men are incapable of knowing their rights.”
–Benjamin Rush


I have never been one to be openly political. Politics were not a particular part of our fiber in my childhood home. You voted, period. You did not campaign and you did not debate the issues.  So writing this post, going public is a bit uncomfortable.  I don’t talk politics much. And when I do, it is with caution.  I do not like conflict.

This has been an extraordinary political season. I find myself wondering if my parents were alive, would they debate the issues, what would they say about Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, and Sarah Palin? I find myself wondering about my ancestor, Benjamin Rush. What would he have to say?

My parents spent the last ten years of their life in Arizona.  They developed strong opinions about the Arizona senator. None too pleasant.  My mother was a true Kennedy supporter so I suspect that she would vote for Obama as well as my dad.  But I can see their eyes rolling about this political season. Especially about a certain clothing expenditure.

My ancestor, Benjamin Rush, his strong conservative views and his deep faith makes me wonder if he would have voted Republican.  He also was a strong abolitionist and advocated for the education of women, so what would he think about this year’s political offerings?

Me? Education is important. Change is important. I am not better off than I was 8 years ago. I worry about the next four years under the same polictical party.  I have voted in nine presidential elections.  Voting and participating in this election has mattered to me more than any other.  I actually put a sticker on my car, one for hope that our political fiber will change. 

As you can see in the photo above I am passionate that our library bond passes.  It will mean that libraries stay open.  That a new library near me will be built.  Libraries are important to me both school and public. So this is the ballot measure I most hope succeeds. The measure is on page two so I hope people will see it! (Oregon does mail in ballots)

Bottom line:  I want everyone to vote intelligently. Be informed. Study the issues. It is disheartening to hear that how some people are making their choices, either by race or by looks. If that is how you are going to vote, please stay home.



I love this quote by John Quincy Adams: “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

Do you think voting matters?  On Monday, November 3rd, 2008, Colleen and Lee will be gathering up posts about voting to create a master list for “Blog the Vote”.

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4 Responses to Tidbit Tuesday: Get Out the Vote

  1. MotherReader says:

    I love how confident I feel in my candidate this year. I love being part of history – and bringing my kids along. And I always love the idea of voting intelligently.

  2. Tricia says:

    I make the students in my Foundations class read Benjamin Rush, largely because I really want them to think about the importance of education and how folks throughout history have felt about the profession they are about to undertake.

    Thanks for this wonderful post.

  3. Pingback: Blog the Vote « Deo Writer:Writing, Poems, and Musings to Spark the Spirit

  4. Sara says:

    What a beautiful post, about both the past and the future. As a fellow “conflict hater,” I understand your impulse to vote quietly. But I’m glad you blogged the vote today!

    What I want to know is: who could possibly vote against libraries? WHO? Let me at ’em! 🙂

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