Poetry Friday: Anaphora Poem

Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect has another great challenge this week: the anaphora poetry form.  This form uses a reptitive phrase.  So in honor of spring:


Spring is the smell of rain falling
Spring is the burst of yellow in daffodil faces
Spring is the pelting hail after a thunderstorm
Spring is waking to a chorus of birds
Spring is the crack of a baseball bat
Spring is finding blue faces  hidden in the green
Spring is laughing off the winter weariness


Poetry Friday is hosted at Wild Rose Reader.  Thank you, Elaine.  Visit Check It Out for my student’s take on the anaphora form.

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3 Responses to Poetry Friday: Anaphora Poem

  1. Mary Lee says:

    The laughter of spring — love it!

  2. cloudscome says:

    Yes yes yes!!! Lovely poem and beautiful photos. Now I’m getting in the mood!

  3. Pingback: Poetry Friday: The Anaphora Poetry Form | Check It Out

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