Poetry Stretch: Shadorma

The poetry stretch for this week from The Miss Rumphius Effect was to write a “shadorma”.  This poetry form is six lines, unrhymed with a 3-5-3-3-7-5 syllable count for the lines. The prompt at One Single Impression is wings.

Today on my way to work (at o’dark thirty) I noticed a girl who appeared to be homeless and carrying a bundled up baby.  My inspiration for the following:

backpack girl
stands on street corner
carries tiny
wrapped bundle
silent wings flap across a
“sailors take warning” sky

Visit both The Miss  Rumphius Effect and One Single Impression for more shadormas or poems of a wingly fashion.
Poetry Friday is hosted by none other than The Miss Rumphius Effect.

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9 Responses to Poetry Stretch: Shadorma

  1. Lisa Nowak says:

    Wow. That’s beautiful. I’m always impressed with people who can write such vivid, moving poetry.

  2. gabrielle says:

    a stark image. i hope they find shelter.

  3. Loch Rob says:

    I have such a strong image of the person standing on the corner. What to do with the warning?

  4. Nancy Bea says:

    Well done! I am a former college poetry major but have never encountered the shadorma form before!

  5. Tumblewords says:

    Vivid and vibrant. The shadorma is a lovely form to illustrate this stark image. Wonderful!

  6. Pingback: Poetry Friday: “Awakening to Snow” « Check It Out

  7. shraddha says:

    very touching..

  8. SandyCarlson says:

    Great poem! Wow. I am wondering if this vulnerable young person can read those signs.

  9. annieelf says:

    Good evening Jone,

    I got such a sharp and aching mental image from these few lines.

    I actually contributed something here this week and I posted hoping I would find you here and now here you are. It was worth the checking back .

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