SOL16: Observations


It’s Tuesday and time to share a slice.  More slices can be found at Two Writing Teachers.

The days are growing shorter.
The smell of fall hits my nose in the morning.
The coolness of morning and mid day warmth.
Wanting to stay up late and knowing I have to rise early for school.
Technology changes like shifting sands.
Wearing socks in the evening has returned.
The scent of cinnamon and cloves linger.
Soon we can have a fire in the fireplace.


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2 Responses to SOL16: Observations

  1. Bernadette says:

    A return to a bust and at the same time lived life.

  2. onathought says:

    We had a hint of fall the other day, and I am now dreaming of socks and fireplaces… 🙂 I love fall! Thanks for this slice. I really enjoyed it.

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