Sol17: Reflecting on the SOLSC17 Challenge


Thank you to everyone at Two Writing Teachers for the March SOLSC challenge.  They put so much into the planning, the prizes, making the new slicers feel welcomed and encouraging us all to write.

It seems that each year for this challenge just gets better for me.  This was my second year to be part of the Welcome Wagon.  It’s the best.  I love connecting with new slicers, discovering what we have in common, responding to the slices.  I learned so much from this writing community.

Commenting is always my weak spot and this year, I worked to complete one of two commenting challenges.

For me, having my pages prepared as drafts with the logo and acknowledgments helped me to stay on target for daily posting.  Planning days such as “Ten Things Thursday” and “Shadorma Saturdays” gave me focus.

“By the Numbers” and “Currently” were two prompts on other blogs that were fun to read as well as write.

And now onto National Poetry Month.  This week I’m sharing the bird photos by Christy Peterson and writing to them.  Her photos include birds, insects, and other critters so it will be a fun month.  Consider them prompts and feel free to write a poem to go with them.

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8 Responses to Sol17: Reflecting on the SOLSC17 Challenge

  1. Ramona says:

    Hoping I can someday prep my pages ahead of time. That would be a big timesaver! Kudos to you for a great month of writing. I still hope to try the Shadorma poetry form one of these days.

  2. lindabaie says:

    It was a great month & it is fun to meet new slicers too. On to April. I’ll try to check out what you’re writing as much as possible, Jone.

  3. Your reflection of March is great! I will keep your tips in mind for next year’s challenge!

  4. lynnedorfman says:

    It was a great experience to slice again this March – my second time! I hope I can participate again next year. My curiosity is piqued – I will have to look at the bird photos and try writing a poem! Thanks!

  5. Lanny Ball says:

    Sounds like you’ve got a plan in place to continue writing! So smart! Thank you for participating this year 🙂 The Welcome Wagon folks are so valued!

  6. Please remind me what ““Shadorma Saturdays” means…thanks 🙂

  7. Veronica says:

    I’m happy I participated in it, too. ..ah! SOLC Tuesday today, I forgot.


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