SOL17: Tanka Tuesday

IMG_0785Thank you to Two Writing Teachers who provide a space for this writing community each Tuesday.


morning gathering
the smell of sweet alyssum
the unique faces
she stops for a moment
and forgets the world’s troubles

©2017, jone rush macculloch


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6 Responses to SOL17: Tanka Tuesday

  1. Raven says:

    Lovely tanka….great imagery and flow!

  2. Lorie Barber says:

    Ahhhhhhhhh… serenity. Thank you!

  3. Love the photo, love the tanka, love this. I really love that last line. Makes me just take a deep breath and pause. Thanks for sharing this with us today.

  4. Stopping for a moment makes a difference. Lovely tanka.

  5. Pansies are my favorite! They always make me smile, Jone. BTW…Our first grade buddies taught my K kids how to write haiku today, so I’ll return the favor and teach the first graders to write a tanka! 🙂

  6. JudyK says:

    Beau.ti.ful. 🙂 ~JudyK

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