Poetry Friday: Week 27

Thanks to Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect for all poetry goodness this week.

ships on the river

at sunset

an eagle takes flight

~jone rush macculloch (2019 draft)

I’m looking forward to hosting next week.

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10 Responses to Poetry Friday: Week 27

  1. Michelle Kogan says:

    Lovely image captured Jone, thanks!

  2. Michelle Heidenrich Barnes says:

    Sigh…. so calming.

  3. Love the pairing of your words and photo. Perfect!

  4. maryleehahn says:


  5. Kay Mcgriff says:

    Lovely–it is a peaceful combination of photo and words.

  6. Liz Garton Scanlon says:

    oh, deep breath…
    thank you…

  7. haitiruth says:

    Lovely! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

  8. lindabaie says:

    Oh wonderful, Jone. It’s a beautiful picture & the poem offers lovely comfort, all that is needed. Thanks!

  9. Linda M. says:

    I could feel myself physically relax when i read this set in the photo. Thank you….so lovely.

  10. cweichel says:

    I’m struck by how universal your poem is. While I know it’s not any beach here in Vancouver Canada, I’m sure I’ve seen those ships, that sunset, and that eagle.

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