One Single Impression: Walls

Today’s prompt at One Single Impression is “walls”  What walls do you have? Real? Imagined?

wall, a phantasm
between siblings, hands reach out
grasp, collide, forgive

talk over coffee
brick order cancelled

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7 Responses to One Single Impression: Walls

  1. gabrielle says:

    I’m happy to hear the walls were temporary, not yet brick and mortar.

  2. Sandy says:

    What about hitting the wall?
    We have so many ways to box ourselves in, don’t we?

  3. SandyCarlson says:

    Wonderful poem. It’s great when such orders are canceled.

  4. Ah, the intricacies of familial relationships. The walls may be there, but let us hope the are temporary.

    Peace and love,

  5. Tammie says:

    thanks for the chuckle = brick order canceled.

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