SOLSC 2014: First Trip with Grandgirl

It’s Tuesday. Time to share slices at Two Writing Teachers.


Last week my husband and I embarked on our annul Fourth of July trip to see long time family friends in Idaho. This year we took oldest grandgirl with us. It marks the first trip without her mom. She was a tad bit worried about being away from mom for four days. At nine and a half, the longest she has been two days with other grandma.

She was the best. It was a l-o-n-g eight hour car trip to Idaho. Hagerman, Idaho and the surrounding area is rural cattle, corn, hay, and recently dairy farmland. Quite the change from our daily Portland lives.

On Friday, my friend’s grandson arrived for Friday and Saturday. He’s the same age and it didn’t take long for the two of them to bond. Setting off fireworks, exploring a canal (which grand boy knew they were not supposed to go into) , finding put that flip flops don’t make good exploring shoes, and just general fun.

It made me think about the enormity of responsibility in bringing your grandchild on a trip. I wondered if I was hovering too much or too little. I thought about what an honor it was to be trusted to bring this grandgirl on a road trip ( the first of many I hope). It’s different than having your own kids with you. As I tell oldest grandgirl, “precious cargo.”

Of course, when her flip flop broke and the two were in the canal of yucky water it was difficult for grandgirl to understand what it would mean for me to have to call,her mom if something had happened. Thank goodness she didn’t find the stinging nettles.

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1 Response to SOLSC 2014: First Trip with Grandgirl

  1. Linda Baie says:

    I’m happy you had the chance to go with your grand girl. I’ve gone on lots of trips with my grandson, & this year, Sarah, my daughter & I took him & her little daughters to MO to visit my brother & other family. It was such fun, they all re-met others & loved the adventure. Just as you described, Jone, new things. Sounds wonderful.

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