SOLSC Day 3: Locating a Lost Friend


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Husband and I are in the midst of downsizing.  This is our second go round with downsizing.  We did it ten years ago when we moved into this house.

We are both packrats. I admit this.  So on Sunday, we went out to the garage to start going through containers.  What could we donate, put into a garage sale, or keep for a later time to sort through?

We filled the garbage container.  We created a space for the garage sale. And we consolidated containers.  I now have a container to pack china that will go to oldest niece.

In the midst of this, though, I found a piece of paper with the married name of a friend that I have been searching for a long time.  I last saw her over twenty years ago.

When I lived in Monrovia (1958-1963), she and I were best of friends.  I loved her house that had a humongous yard.  Her family had avocado trees.  And we were very much into fairy tales so we were convinced we could see fairies in her yard.

I tried to keep contact once we moved to Simi Valley.  But it was difficult.  However, her friendship has stayed with me all these years.

So it was exciting today to find that scrap of paper.  I think I found her on Facebook.  I hope I have found a current address and will write her. I will keep you posted if she responds.

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6 Responses to SOLSC Day 3: Locating a Lost Friend

  1. blkdrama says:

    Facebook! I have found so many old friends there. Hope it’s a great meet up for you 🙂

  2. Raivenne says:

    Oh how wonderful! A good cleaning always unearth the most unexpected treasures. I really hope you have found her and you reconnect again.

  3. rosecappelli says:

    It’s always so wonderful to connect with old friends. So there really is a silver lining in organizing the garage! I’ll have to remember that!

  4. Oh how exciting to find a lost friend! And good luck on the downsizing!

  5. Mary Dunn says:

    What an amazing story! From downsizing to connecting with a very old friend. I hop you find her and you have a fun and successful garage sale!

  6. Tara Smith says:

    What an exciting discovery – and with Facebook these days, you really can reconnect with old friends. Definitely keep us posted!

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