SOLSC 2015 Day 4: This is What Winter Brings

IMG_0785More slices can be read at Two Writing Teachers.

We have had the warmest winter on record or close to it.  As the midwest and east coast have been pounded by snowfall after snowfall, we have experienced temps in the sixties. Little rain. Lots of sunshine.  Even SoCal has had more rain than us.  Or so it seems.

There are blessings to be had despite the lack of snowfalls or snow days.  On Sunday I found these in the front flower box.

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And my geranium wintered over.

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The first picture is before I cut it back and fertilized it.  I am hoping that by taking out the dead foliage and giving it fertilizer that it will begin to grow.  I even stuck some of the trimmings back into the soil in hopes that the will to live will be strong thus rooting itself into new life.

So to winter I say thanks even if it wasn’t the winter I had hoped to experience.

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7 Responses to SOLSC 2015 Day 4: This is What Winter Brings

  1. So different from the bitter winter we have had in the South. Love your words and pictures – gives me hope for warmer days ahead!

  2. Tara Smith says:

    Daffodils and geraniums…hope for Spring returns to my heart!

  3. Mary Dunn says:

    Ah, lovely glimpse of what is to come. I LOVE CA!

  4. heisereads says:

    Because of my mother’s naturalizing style of planting daffodils to excess, our house was always a burst of sunshine in the early spring. I’ve carried that tradition over. I eagerly anticipate the first spot of green leaf I see springing forth from the muddy ground once the snow all melts. Although, here in Wisconsin we have had lots of snow, so it’ll be awhile yet.

  5. MaryHelen says:

    Happy for you. We had ice yesterday and snow all around here in Indiana. Thanks for sharing the flower pictures. Very encouraging. 🙂

  6. margaretsmn says:

    Today the high is 80 and tomorrow it is 40. Crazy winter! I love your daffodils. So happy!

  7. You’ve got a warm winter and we have a frigid one. Funny how that works!

    Beautiful flowers! I’ve been reading Miss Rumphius to my daughter a lot lately and I cannot wait for spring. I want to go outside and just throw some lupine seed around to see what happens!

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