SOLSC 15 Day 19: When Your Brain Get So Filled, It Hurts.

More slices can be found at Two Writing Writing.

It’s the Northwest Council of Computer Education annual conference. It’s in Portland, Oregon. Yesterday was the Teacher-Librarian Summit with the theme, “Finding Your Voice”. Good topic as with the changes going on with my job, finding my voice and rebranding the library is an important piece.

One thing I particularly liked was the concept of the library being a stress free zone.  And have a place for students to create. I believe the library is the family room of the school so aging a discovery area works.

The day was jammed packed with ideas. Starting with a review of Twitter, how to participate in Twitter Chat, using Twitter for Professional Development.

One section was a “Smackdown” with slides and people having two minutes to share favorite ways to engage students. I loved the format of the Smackdown.  It has classroom possibilities.

And the afternoon included viewing different online resources such as Google Classroom, Padlet, along with others.  My brain hurt by the day’s end. So much to process.

Tomorrow there will be a variety of sessions.  I am looking forward to having my brain challenged.


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5 Responses to SOLSC 15 Day 19: When Your Brain Get So Filled, It Hurts.

  1. Tara Smith says:

    I can see why your brain hurts – so much to take in! I love Google classroom, by the way.

  2. mrssurridge says:

    Obviously it was a successful day. It’s a great feeling when your brain hurts so good! Enjoy putting all that new knowledge into practice.

  3. Karen says:

    You had me at “the library is the family room of the school”. That is so true! That is where our school family gathers for read alouds, creativity, staff development, and an occasional treat. Hope you have a day full of learning and fun!

  4. litcoach64 says:

    The conferences sounds amazing! I loved the idea of the library being the “family room” of the school!

  5. smpeters says:

    I love professional development that makes your brain hurt. What a great image, “I believe the library is the family room.” I wholeheartedly agree! the Smackdown sounds like an interesting concept. I would love to hear more about it. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and thoughts.

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