National Poetry Month: 4/30 How to Survive Fridays During Lent

Welcome to National Poetry Month (#npr2020). This month, I am sharing original poems about food and family. In these times of sheltering, food is comfort. A list of links to previous poems is HERE.

Today’s poem is reflecting on a sandwich that was a staple in our homes as a child. Dad grew up in a New Jersey town with a significant Italian population. Dad loved all things Italian and it is said that he wished each night to wake up Italian. He frequently referred to himself as MacAlooch. So it is no surprise that Dad learned to make pepper and egg sandwiches on hard rolls( although he used green peppers always).

What I didn’t know until this week is that this was a common substitute for a meat dish during Lent.

How To Survive Fridays During Lent

Begin with peppers
Green, traditional
Red, festive
Wash, seed, and chop, chop, chop

Heat the cast iron
Skillet with olive oil
Add the choppings
Stir, listen for sizzle, sizzle, sizzle

Crack the eggs,
add a thimble of water
Whisk, whisk whisk it up
Combine with the peppers

Slice the hard roll
Scoop out the top half
Make room for the
pepper and egg filling

Sprinkle Parmesan cheese
Should you desire
Give thanks for the meal
and mangia, mangia, mangia

©jone rush macculloch (2020, draft)

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