SOL16 Day 13 of 31: Almost There

IMG_0785Everyone has a story and you can catch up on more slices for the  SOLSC at
Two Writing Teachers.

When you’re sick, writing is last on your list. Yesterday was an improvement from Friday. Went to the doctor. He swabbed my nostrils (can you say heebie-geebies)? Confirmed I didn’t have the flu virus but probably a distant cousin.   I slept a lot.  Had lots of fluids. Kept my pooch close. Managed to get caught up on some DVRed shows.

Today I awoke a step closer to feeling better. Didn’t sleep as much. Got a couple things done and believe I will make it to school. My stomach gurgle but am mend8ng.


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9 Responses to SOL16 Day 13 of 31: Almost There

  1. Ramona says:

    There have been so many bloggers under the weather that I’m wondering if germs are passed the blogosphere! 🙂 Glad you’re feeling a bit better. Glad to see the post about Beverly Cleary’s birthday next month. I definitely think I should throw a party. I’ll see what I can do about that.

  2. Lisa R says:

    Glad you’re feeling better, and awed that you managed a Slice even though you’re sick!

  3. Sounds like everyone is getting sick! Myself included. Hope you’re feeling better!

  4. writintime says:

    I am proud of you for writing! Feel better!

  5. Linda Baie says:

    I’m glad you saw the doctor. It probably feels better to know a little more. I’m impressed that you’ve posted, Jone. Good for you!

  6. Cathy says:

    Get well! Maybe life is just telling you to slow down for a bit.


  7. Holly says:

    I feel your pain. It started late Saturday afternoon for me. Today was a slow and pokey day, sleeping in and laying around. Fingers crossed I wake up a tad bit better to enjoy my day with my 25 kiddos at school!

  8. Hope you feel better soon!

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