SOL16 Day 25 of 31: Getting Ready for National Poetry Month

IMG_0785Everyone has a story and you can catch up on more slices for the  SOLSC at
Two Writing Teachers.

I’ve been planning and thinking about what I will do for National Poetry Month.  Last year, I featured  words that had double LL in them.  I know one thing I love is combining my photography with poetry.  So after much thought I’ve decided that each day will feature a poem type/ forms.

Poetic Forms 2016

Scribble Sundays: Sijos, Senyrus, Sestinas
Mystery Monday: Will is be a Pantoum, an Echo Poem, a Tritina?
Take-a-line Tuesdays: I’ll be sharing a line of from a poem as a prompt
Word Wednesdays:  I’ll be choosing a word to use in a poem
Tanka Thursdays: Tankas
Free style Fridays:  Free Verse?  Fibonacci? What inspires me that week?
Shadorma Saturdays:More about Shadormas.
So will you join me and write in the month of April?


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7 Responses to SOL16 Day 25 of 31: Getting Ready for National Poetry Month

  1. Bernadette says:

    You are going to be very busy and creative.

  2. cvarsalona says:

    Jone, you will be busy this coming month. I am planning to design a spring gallery (that is if I can finally get the winter one off the drafting board.) PS: I placed your photo in the photo corner section of Winter Wanderings. Did you send me a digital composition with a poem? I can’t find it.

  3. Lisa R says:

    This is a great idea! I think having a format to follow each day will help the words flow. I’m thinking of joining in for NaPoWriMo myself.

  4. I love this idea! And I will join you!

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