SOLSC17: 9/31, Ten Things Thursdays

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for holding space for us to sharing our writing every day in March.

  1. I remembered how wonderful acupuncture.
  2. My neck, shoulders, and back are sore but healing.
  3. I was so thankful that my friend could sub on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  4. It’s raining really hard.
  5.  I wonder who will have poems memorized for Poetry Rocks today.
  6. I wonder if any students wrote an ode.
  7. I’ve started Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt.
  8. I don’t like driving rental cars.
  9. I wonder why colon cancer is on the rise with young people.
  10. Daffodils make me smile.
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13 Responses to SOLSC17: 9/31, Ten Things Thursdays

  1. Rand Raynor says:

    I am enjoying your posts, and I’m especially intrigued since it appears you are a teacher in Portland, and one who obviously is an expert poetry teacher! I’m a third grade teacher who fumbles his way through poetry (but has a blast doing so!). Any chance of every observing you teaching a lesson!

  2. MAK says:

    Ah, I so appreciate all of the wonderful ideas I get from SOLSC! Thank you!

  3. I really love this idea! I might start something similar with my kiddos! Thanks!

  4. Ramona says:

    Looking forward to trying this out sometime soon. I’m also wondering about #9. We recently lost a young adult in our community to colon cancer. And #10 – daffodils make me smile too! Usually we have lots of them by now, but this year with our colder winter, no daffodils yet . . . unless they come from the grocery store. And #4 – I am really sick of rain!

  5. Pingback: Ten Thing Thursday | The Hays Crew

  6. macrush53 says:

    It’s a group of students, Grades 1-4 who learn poetry.

  7. wahooteacher says:

    I loved your post and used it as my mentor text for today:) I realized that I didn’t comment earlier-I was so excited to create my own list! Thank you for inspiring me!

  8. karpenglish says:

    This is a great idea for a slice, and I am filing it away for later in the month when I cannot think of anything at all to write about. Then I can write about 10 not necessarily connected things! 😀 What is (are?) Poetry Rocks? I cannot decide if this is just the name you give to student poetry recitations/performances (because poetry does, indeed, rock) or if it somehow involves poems on actual rocks, memorized, performed, and then hidden in the world to be stumbled upon by the unsuspecting. I really hope it is the latter!

  9. aggiekesler says:

    Love the last one…daffodils make me smile! 🙂 Me, too!

  10. khays41 says:

    P.S. I wonder about number 9 as well.

  11. khays41 says:

    Thanks for posting this! I am ‘borrowing’ the idea for my day. Have a great Thursday!

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